java8 lambda
The lambda expression is just like the function it consist of
- List of parameters
- Method Body
- return Type
Lambda Expression termed as anonymous because it does not have any name.
Lambda Expression passed as arguments to the methods.
Anatomy of Lambda expression :)
Yes guys you heard it right we are going to do the dissection of the Lambda Expression.
Lambda expression=Parameters+Arrow+Method Body
(Car c1,Car 2) -> c1.getPrice().comparTo(c2.getPrice());
Please have a look at the below code snippets where i have compared codes of Java7 and Java8
Example 1Please have a look at the below code snippets where i have compared codes of Java7 and Java8
Using Java7
Comparator<Car> byPrice=new Comparator<Car>(){
Public int compare(Car c1,Car c2){
return c1.getPrice().compareTo(c2.getPrice());
By Lambda Expressions
Using Java8
Comparator<Car> byPrice=(Car
c1,Car c2)--->c1.getPrice().compareTo(c2.getPrice());
Example 2
class A implements Runnable
public void run()
System.out.println("I am Java7");
By Lambda Expression
()->{System.out.println("I am Java8");}
Advantage of Lambda Interface:
Cleaner Code:Lambdas are your code much easier to read.